Is there a Buy or Sell section to list items here? I have some Rockwell Activations I may be interested in selling.
Let me know which activations you have i may be one actually may know someone that might be looking for some.
Hi Arthur,
Below are the licenses I have for sale. All of them are registered to my company with Rockwell and I will transfer them upon sale to the buyers company. They all come with a physical activation certificate as well as the master disk that will be mailed. Let me know if you have any questions.
9701-VWSTMENE: FactoryTalk View ME
9324-RLD300ENE: Studio 5000 Standard + Legacy
9324-RL0100ENE: RSLogix 500 Starter
9324-RL0300ENE: RSLogix 500 Standard
9301-2SE2100: RSView32 Works 150
9301-2SE2400: RSView32 Works 32000
9301-2SE3400: RSView32 RT 32000
9355-WABENE: RSLinx Professional
Hey JRS, we don’t have one, but that’s a great suggestion.
We’ll add one.
what would the cost of 9324-RLD300ENE: Studio 5000 Standard + Legacy be if it is available.
Hey Arthur,
I just sent you a DM with the price.