Compilation Error In Tia Portal

I am working my way through the TIA Portal HMI Course. I got to a certain point, but now when I go to simulate the HMI, I get an error.

Please help me resolve this error.

The error is
Internal ERROR (detail inconsistent compiler data, please perform Software “rebuild all” on the project)

Hello there! I’d be glad to help you!

  • Can you please share more details about your configuration and what are you attempting to do ? Like some screens ?
  • Also, have you tried to rebuild the HMI application ? I joined a screenshot to show you how it’s done.
    Rebuild HMI


I just performed the software rebuild all and now the HMI is working and I am able to compile without errors.

I am at the point of the course where the HMI screen buttons (Start/Stop) are added. After I added these buttons is when I got the error. However, it seems to be resolved now after you showed where to do the full software rebuild.


Hi ! Glad I could help ! Don’t hesitate to come back if you have any other question !