FANUC ROBOGUIDE: A Comprehensive Installation and User Tutorial

In the world of industrial automation, FANUC Corporation stands as a pioneering global manufacturer. One of their flagship tools, ROBOGUIDE, enables you to design, program, and simulate a robotic workcell on your PC. It provides a platform for learning and understanding, not just for beginners, but for seasoned experts wanting to test new solutions without disrupting the actual production line. This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the process of downloading, installing, and setting up your first robotic workcell using the ROBOGUIDE "Trial version".

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

How long does it usually take for Fanuc to approve user registration?

They should approve it within 24h, however you can always call FANUC hotline (+1 (888) 326-8287 ) and ask them if there is anything additional that they need to make it happen faster