HMI development in Factorytalk view

Hello Karim/Vlad,

I am from Tradition Fine foods. I finish the videos for HMI development in Factorytalk view. But, there is many things you put on udemy which is I am missing here such as log in/log out access for maintenance, how to add alarms, create different recipes and how to save and change them etc.
Please add more videos in it.
Thank you

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Also, the difference between SE and ME, which one to use?

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Hi Akash,

Thank you very much for the feedback!

We will prioritize those topics in the next few weeks and add them to the HMI course.


Hi Akash, I am not an expert or anything, and will not meddle in Karim/Vlad’s lessons. Here is some basic information about Rockwell’s FT View has 2 versions (broadly). ME or Machine Edition is meant for HMI’s like PanelView and PanelView Plus, where the user interaction is by the touch screen. SE or Site Edition is itself split into 3 levels, PC based SCADA system, here the user interacts with mouse and key board. Three versions of SE are a)Local station (standalone) b)network station c) network distributed version. These for simple to complex networked operations covering huge plants. There is many differences (and similarities) between the application for ME and SE. Rockwell also has a product ViewPoint, which allows the SCADA pages to be published as web page for remote access.

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Hey Ravi,

thank you for the answer :smiley: