I have just started a new job, and it has been a while since i have done any regular programming and have never come across this issue and could use some direction. The system uses factory talk and studion 5000. In auto, the system works properly, but in manual is when the problem happens. There is 1 main screen that allows for vessel selection that takes you to the same screen for all vessels, but it pulls parameter files for tags for each separate vessel. The program being pulled is correct in FactoryTalk for each button and that is the only place i can find that pulls the file when button is pressed. The local addresses are all different for the valves in logic. The problem is when you go to manually fill V4 or 5 it fills V3. Any suggestions on where and what to look for? Thanks in advance for the help.
I haven’t seen such behavior; where are you setting the “auto” / “manual” settings? I’d probably need to see the PLC logic to figure out what’s going on there.
On the second note, the addresses being different, is that pulled from the parameter files?
I’d need more information on these issues…
As per Vlad suggestion please have a look at the program. You will need to be online with the PLC, while you click the vessel selection. Because the SCADA page is the same, but different parameters are passed on depending on which vessel is called. Most probably the parameters that is passed on is wrong (you are calling parameters for Vessel 3, the parameters for 3 is passed. One possibility - was there only 3 vessels and 4 and 5 were added later? If someone copied part of the program, it is not directing correct parameter. To solve, you will need to look at both the PLC and SCADA (or HMI) program.
Thank you for the help. I believe I have located the problem. The value was set wrong on one of the screens in the HMI program. I am waiting for a good time to download and test the changes as we do not have a spare setup for that processor or a spare touch screen and production runs the machine the entire time I am there.