PowerFlex 525 Troubleshooting

Hello everyone!

I am having issues with my PowerFlex 525 drive pulling in a brake on a Baldor motor. I have tried everything I know to do. The brake will pull in if I use a motor starter, but if I try to run through the VFD, the brake tries to pull in but does not have the full voltage to pull it all the way in. I have tried adjusting the brake and the Start Boost (A531) but still no luck. The motor is wired for high voltage. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

PowerFlex 525
460V 3 Phase
1 HP
Baldor Motor
3/1.5 A
1760 RPM

Thank you,


Something similar happened to me, I just had to lower the acceleration and deceleration ramp times.

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Hi Jacob, how your brake is powered? Is it from motor terminals? With a motor starter full voltage will be available once motor has started and running, but with VFD (with V/F control) motor may not get full voltage, unless the motor needs to run to full speed. The reduced voltage is not a problem for motor (it also get reduced frequency) but brake always need full voltage (often there is a rectifier, which makes required voltage for brake). I am not sure how your system works, but you may have to energise the brake power (which does not drop like VFD) from separate source, same time when the VFD gets run/start signal.

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