Studio 5000 and ViewMarq Display Modbus TCP


I am trying to use the AOI Modbus TCP Client instruction to read and write from a compact logix 1769-L36ERMS to a ViewMarq Display from Automation Direct. I am very new to Modbus, and I need some help to understand it more. I have the Modbus Registers from the manual. However, I cannot get them to read. I feel like my configuration is incorrect. Anyone have tips on this instruction?

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Hi Stephen,

Modbus is a tricky protocol and relies heavily on the right registers to be set.

I would recommend calling the Automation Direct support line and speaking to their technical team; they’re usually very responsive and quite good with their hardware/software. I’m sure that they’ll point you in the right direction.

Without reading the manual and going through your code it would be difficult to figure out where the issue is.

All the best,

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Hi Vlad,

Thank you for the feedback. I was able to get some of the registers to work correctly and find a solution to my problem. However, I am still having issues with register 411000. I could not get it to read any values from the display.

Thank you,
Stephen Gerba

@Victory_E might be able to help?

Hi @Stephen.Gerba can you provide the link to the modbus registers manual for the ViewMarq display device?

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