Where to get an affordable PLC for Step7 ver 5.6 series 300 for learning

Hi I am very strong in Rockwell programming and got hired to a plant that is 80% Siemens. They have both software packages TIA Portal Ver 14 and Step 7 ver 5.6. They do not have the simulator option for Step 7 software. My employer sent me to Step 7 ver 5.6 intro to programming so I know some basics and badly need to program daily until I get the hang of it. My question to the forum is I quoted and asked my employer to consider a purchase of a Siemens PLC so I can practice but it is coming in at a $4000 and well above price point so a problem to get approval. My next option is buy a PLC for myself to practise Step 7 over and over until it becomes as dominant as AB Rockwell is for me. Can anyone suggest where to get a decent budget price PLC for Step 7 ver 5.6 in series 300? I have seen some on ebay and Kijiji but no idea if junk and typically still very expensive and no idea if it will work when funds are exchanged. Thank you, D

Hey! Welcome to the community.

For personal use, eBay is a good option. You’re protected against “broken” hardware and the prices are much lower than from the regular vendors. You can easily get a refund from eBay if the product is defective.

Best of luck,